Donate Time
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Make It Home!
Make it Home Bay Area relies on the help of dozens of local volunteers to get furniture organized and delivered to those who are living in empty spaces. This is a high energy, fast paced environment where we process and sort donations, refurbish and repair furniture that needs a little help and curate items for new spaces. If you live in Marin or in the Greater Bay Area and are passionate about helping people in need, consider joining our team of dedicated volunteers! Let’s have some fun and help our neighbors #makeithome. Prior to your first shift, you must attend a mandatory volunteer orientation session.
Please wear CLOSED-TOED shoes, please be on time and please note that volunteer shifts are 3 hours long. You will be asked to sign a liability waiver during orientation.
IF you want to learn more about VOLUNTEER AT HOME opportunities, contact us directly at info@makeithomebayarea.org.
“I love having a part in giving people a fresh start in their lives and elevating their chances for success.” -Jen
“I love working with my hands, being physical, being out from behind a computer and I love the group of people who work here.” -Barbara
“I enjoy the people I work alongside with here and I get to use some of my carpentry skills for fun, so that makes it doubly enjoyable” -Tom
“It feels so gratifying to be able to contribute to making someone’s home a safe, comfortable and happy space!” -Andrea
“Everyone shares their knowledge and we make each feel successful when we try new things. The end product of home goods provides much-needed help to our community.” -Anne
“Witnessing the process of receiving donations being put to good use, while keeping these things out of our landfill is truly rewarding. Bonus… there is an endless supply of M&M’s for us to enjoy!!” -Suzanne
“I just feel very rewarded knowing I may have played a role in helping someone or a family turn it around.” -Judy
“The obvious? Being involved in an organization that helps people coming out of hard times and feeling grateful. And keeping good stuff out of the landfill, and meeting nice people. Unexpected joys and bonuses? Learning how to refurbish furniture, being surprised each week with new tasks, and having my friends give me stuff to donate.” -Martha
“I love MIH because every time I’m here I find myself working in different areas and practicing skills I didn’t even know I could do. And there is always someone to help or encourage me to try. It’s a unique, creative and hands-on way to give back and help those who may be struggling with misfortune.” -Analisa
If you are a new volunteer at our San Rafael location (or have not volunteered in the last 4 months), please sign up for our Volunteer Orientation. The event will consist of an introduction to MIH, a tour of the warehouse, an introduction to the workshop area and how to do furnishings setups for our clients, shift sign-ups and answers to all of your burning MIH questions. The session lasts one hour and is mandatory before signing up for your first volunteer shift.
Click here to sign up for a volunteer orientation session.
Monday-Thursday, 10AM-1PM & 1PM-4PM
Mondays and Thursday evenings 5PM-7PMVolunteer Orientations are required if you have not yet volunteered with Make It Home. Click here to sign up for an orientation session.
Please email us at volunteer@makeithomebayarea.org if you have a large group.
Click here to sign up for general volunteering shifts for San Rafael
Have a love for sewing and want to create beautiful pieces that will positively affect your community? Read more here.
Volunteer Outtakes
Video shoot outtakes from Make It Home volunteers.